Wednesday, March 24, 2010

62 days and counting...but who is?

Shooting our engagements in Hawaii was well...what do you say? You can't compete with the beauty of Hawaii. Anyway, we've posted a couple on FB and if I can figure this thing out I'll post a couple others here.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

For the love!

Welcome to our blog! We are engaged to be married in May 2010 and I am moving away from my best friend and little sister Aiona. Her condition for letting LeGran take me away from her, was for me to create a blog so that we can share our adventures with her. This is an exciting and fun way to keep in touch a little bit more personally. I am in Hawaii right now with LeGran and we are just getting ready to shoot our engagements, so stay tuned for the results, and enjoy! Aloha Nui!