Wednesday, March 24, 2010

62 days and counting...but who is?

Shooting our engagements in Hawaii was well...what do you say? You can't compete with the beauty of Hawaii. Anyway, we've posted a couple on FB and if I can figure this thing out I'll post a couple others here.


  1. finally, an update! great job sis! =D

  2. ooh, i would love to see your engagements. :) and yes, Hawaii is amazing. where did you take your pics?

  3. Lol...I know I finally tried to update it. But I can't figure out how to post Aiona, will you help me sometime? he he he!

  4. Bill and Stacy are sooo... Happy for you! I will be able to attend the Temple but I don't think Bill will be able to work it out. I can't wait! Bill won't know his schedule until the night before so he will try to get out early for the Ring Ceremony. I will be there! Love, Ya!

  5. I didn't know you two had a blog! I hope you keep it updated so that we can peek into your fabulous life! Love you both!
